“BelServest considers no aspects of its operation or administration more important than the health and safety of its colleagues, clients ,contractors and the environment in which it operates. We are committed to creating and implementing HSEQ solutions that aid in reducing work related injuries, illness, environment damage and property damage. This is achieved by maintaining a safe and healthy working conditions and by fostering a culture focus on awareness and open communication. “
We are committed to zero harm to our employees, contractors, visitors and the environment while performing duties in our site. We are committed to creating and implementing HSEQ solutions through our passion for Health, Safety, Environment, Community and Quality.
We will comply and where possible exceed all applicable laws and regulations governing HSEQ performance and place emphasis on reducing risk. We are set to achieve the following objectives through our HSE and Quality Management systems and procedures whilst constantly striving to improve our operations in the HSEQ field:
Health and Safety
• Conduct the necessary Risk Assessments and train our employees to understand the hazards associated with their work activities and the precautionary measures required preventing injury and maintaining a safe work environment.
• Conduct the necessary Risk Assessments with our sub-contractors to understand the hazards associated with their work activities and the precautionary measures required preventing injury and maintaining a safe work environment.
• Provide a safe working environment for our employees, customers, clients, residents, contractors and visitors in compliance with relevant legislation and best practice.
• Identify and address unsafe practices and unsafe work conditions to prevent injury and illness.
• Do all that is reasonably practicable to protect customers and employees from hazardous biological agents.
Food Safety:
• Maintain high standards of food hygiene and to demonstrate that all food and drink prepared, served and sold at our sites is both safe and wholesome.
• Provide employees with the information and tools they need to operate in a sanitary and hygienic manner that protects the food from contamination.
Environmental and Community:
• Carry out our services in an environmentally responsible manner that contributes to the preservation and protection of our natural resources and the environment.
• Contribute to the reduction of pollution.
• Promote environmental awareness, training and responsibility among employees, customers and the community.
• Initiate community up-liftment and up skilling programmes.
• Assess the effectiveness of our HSEQ management system through periodic internal and external audits.
• Aim to continually improve our products, processes and services to satisfy both our customers and employees.
• Support our business and employees to provide the best quality product and service for our clients and customers.
Health & Safety